Ask the Experts – ePMP March 25

The first improvement we have planned for the SA is to embed it into the GUI (similar to Canopy). As for constellations and Ethernet TDR, no plans yet. 


We experienced issues with the ePMP configured for point to point running in 5.4 frequency, it appears to stop passing traffic. We replaced both radios with the same results. A reboot would make it start working again. Solution was to move into 5.8 band. Have you seen/heard of this issue before?

I have a question for Sakid (and maybe Sriram would like to chime in too)... how long have you been working in RF, and did you previously work for any other communications-based companies? If someone was interested in getting into this field of work, do you have any suggestions for them?

Hi, Are you operating 5.4 in a DFS region, such as FCC regions? Do you know if this is not a function of the radio triggering a DFS event? 5.8 in FCC regions do not have to perform DFS. 

I don't have any of the syslogs from when this would happen, but logs did not ever state anything about a DSF event. Also, my impression was a DSF event would cause it to auto change channels, not stop functioning all together. The radio claimed to be assoicated, but we could not ping across it.


Its been some years that we have both been around wireless communication systems like GSM, 2-way paging, WiMAX, iDEN etc. 

If someone wanted to get started in this field, I would strongly recommend starting with some classes to get the basics of RF under their belt. 

I have seen some good material out of these guys below -


Hi Maryanne, 

If you have alternate channels configured, then yes it will switch channels. But if you don't, then the AP will stop transmission for 30 minutes. Looks like this is something that needs troubleshooting. Contact our support engineers or drop me a note offline and we can look into it. 



Thanks so much. I will have to review if I had alternate channels configured. That could be the answer to my question.

How often do you work with or share information between the PMP450 and ePMP dev groups? Do you find that some of the features or additions to either project line help each other? Is there a bit of (friendly) competition between the two?


I took a similar path like Sakid but I started out with Motorola's GSM/GPRS infrastructure equipment, then moved on to UMTS and then on to WiMAX, LTE and then Cambium. My path with Sakid crossed during Motorola's WiMAX (Clear/Sprint) days and I have known him since.

No matter what the underlying technology is (GSM, iDEN, WiMAX, LTE etc. ), RF will always be RF. So taking basic RF courses (and then advanced courses) is something that will last you for life. 


As far as I know, you guys have the only functional, PtMP, GPS-sync'd, WiFi-based radios capable of back to back sync allowing frequency reuse. Many have tried, but so far, none (IIRC/IMHO) have succeeded... in a nutshell, how did you do it, and what made your approach to this solution different then others?

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Thanks so much for this live session!

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In a nutshell, it wasn't easy :)

I think it boils down to a combination of our background in Canopy and GPS sync along with appreciation for advanced scheduling mechanisms which go hand in hand. 

Its possible for someone to figure out one component or the other but to marry the two together and create a synchronized, scalable system is challenging. Having said that, I am sure others will succeed at some point or another so we are busy looking at the next set of key differentiations :)


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@Sakid Ahmed wrote:

The next generation of ePMP subscribers will have support for Gigabit


And poe passthrough?

Any plans for beamforming?

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Do you guys plan on having an ePMP certifications, similar to the PMP/PTP series?

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We have a tower installation pending where all 1000+ potential customers are within a single 90 degree slice (and within 1.5 miles) from the tower.  2.4 Ghz is not an option, so we are looking at ePMP 5 Ghz APs to serve the majority of the customers. 

How will that work if I want to deploy (4) 5 Ghz sectors (or more) in the same direction?  will Sync take care of that or are there other factors / limitations for this?


Also, maybe this is a dumb question, but will the epmp AC have gps sync?

> a. Today, you can log into the CLI of the ePMP and enable WiFi mode for the AP. All the confguration for

> frequency and power should be done via the GUI and under enhanced PTP mode and then via CLI you can

> switch to WiFi AP mode. The commands are below -

Hi.  I wanted to revisit this question.  Just to be clear, you are saying that right now, we could deploy an ePMP Access Point with our non-ePMP (WiFi) CPE's in a WiFi mode - and then change our the CPE's for Cambium SM's (in WiFi Mode) and then, once we're ready - switch the whole sector to ePMP mode - AP and SM's and all?  If so - that's GREAT. :)  That's the main thing holding us back from deploying - a good transition plan for our 2.4Ghz gear.  I know we can do it the other way - which is to replace CPE's with SM's in WiFi mode, and then replace the AP - but if we can put up a Cambium AP in WiFi mode, that's a game changer.


Actually, we have not commented on a Cambium AC product. We are just evaluating the technology and its possible applications. Of course, the desire would be to have GPS sync but that is all it is at this point.
