cnMaestro 1.6.0 Release

can you please send me the csr to


I am trying to update cnMaestro to 1.6.0. and I get error: File Upload Filed. Over which port/protocol the  data is transfered to virtual maschine? I am connecting via VPN over firewall and maybe the firewall is blocking connection?

this is not a package update. you may need to deploy 1.6.0 OVA as a new virtual machine. can you please refer the


@Anish wrote:

can you please send me the csr to



Hi michelep -- just verified the Country is absent from the CSR. We will look at rolling out a patch for this.

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Does anyone know if 1.6.0 supports non admin users? Read Only? I looked and may have missed it the notes.

Nevermind. As soon as I posted I found it. Sorry.

Great (The role is "Monitor")

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After installing the new ova and migrating all the data to 1.6.0 on-premises I am having RAM issues. I dedicated 5Gb RAM but after a couple of days it starts killing processes by itself until I can no longer login. After reboot comes back to normal and couple of days after same problem. Anyone else having RAM issues with cnmaestro on-premises?


Can you please let me know  more information about the data you migrated.

I am interested to know the number of devices you are running in the cnMaestro Instance. 

I am running cnMaestro instance in my Test Lab for close to 6 days without any Memory problems.

Please refer to the attachment ,  depicts that services are running close to 6 days without  any interruption.

@pavan malepati,

It was just an export from the web interface from v1.5.0 and import to v1.6.0 like all the other times there was a new ova to install. 

At the moment we have 4743 devices registered in cnmaestro. 

In the previous version 1.5.0 I had 4Gb RAM and since it was almost full I decided to slightly increase it in the new one before migrating.

We did pretty much the same with it when it was released a week ago.  This is a Proxmox hosted container with 4GB RAM and we have been seeing it holding steady at 1.6GB used for the entire week.  We have under a 1000 devices though at this point as we just stated our migration to ePMP, so it could of course be some sort of capacity memory leak you are running into.

We are noticing heavier memory requirements for accounts with many cnPilot Enterprise devices (cnPilot E-Series and ePMP 1000 Hotspot). This is due to recent statistics enhancements, and it does not affect accounts with ePMP, PMP, or cnPilot R-series. We are currently exploring  approaches to bring this back in-line with the other device types; however, if your installation heavily leverages cnPilot Enterprise, it should help to add another 1-2 GB of memory to compensate.

i have the same problem, with 8GB of RAM

@someone wrote:

After installing the new ova and migrating all the data to 1.6.0 on-premises I am having RAM issues. I dedicated 5Gb RAM but after a couple of days it starts killing processes by itself until I can no longer login. After reboot comes back to normal and couple of days after same problem. Anyone else having RAM issues with cnmaestro on-premises?

We have registered only 12 cnPilot E-Series. Since my last post I had to reboot it 2 more times. Please provide a fix asap.

Hi vmiskos -- I will send you a private message, so we can get more details on your environment.

hi, i have a similar problem.
i need to reboot every day.


@Rob wrote:

Hi vmiskos -- I will send you a private message, so we can get more details on your environment.

I have seen that has been added the "Centralized" option in the Radio section of the group.

I have all the AP's in Sync mode so... how i can be sure that has been activated inside the cnPilot's?

If I enter inside an AP i see the Autonomous option still active.

Thank you!

Just a status update, our 1.6 On Premise installation has not had any memory or reboot issues. We installed and upgraded from the most recent 1.5 version, are monitoring 1600+ devices, pushed 15.1.1 firmware out across the network recently, and are using 2.5GB out of 8GB reserved for this VM.  PMP firmware rollout went very smooth.

Hi michelep -- I sent you a private message as well for more details. You will need to click on the envelope in the header (next to the name).