These ones have been something I've brought up like a thousand times and I don't get how it keeps slipping through the releases and not fixed. 

Support for LLDP is such a base level thing, and you guys have the framework to do it, and even fixed the sysname issue, but still have some reasonably easy low hanging fruit to fix.

porttypeidsubtype for instance is reported wrong it's reporting as a network address, not a mac address though is obviously a mac address, it should send a 3 for subtypeid but sends 4 which is for IP addresses which break discovery.

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I will highlight this, and see if they can take a look at this one... it's a bit beyond my knowledge. Stay tuned.

Engineering is wondering what discovery tool you are using?

LibreNMS autodiscovery

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I'll throw in on this.. also looks like we are experiencing the following issue on v16.0.1 AP

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