Error in processing the profile request

I'm not able to see the link as its information is not displayed in the profile.The following message is shown.

"NoneType" Object have no attribute 'lock'.

This is the information displayed after checking for the get profile request from toolbar project window..


This is an intermittent bug that we haven't been able to reproduce, but I believe that it can occur if there is an error requesting the path profiles. The work-around is to restart LINKPlanner.

I noticed that you had exceeded your path profile request limit just before you saw the error in LINKPlanner. This would mean that you were unable to request any more profiles that day. You can increase your request limit by using a business domain rather than one of the free providers (such as GMail, Yahoo, etc). Alternatively, if you send an email to the sales contact in your region (details shown in LINKPlanner), they can request a higher limit for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
