Link Planner Path Profile won't load


Can anyone help me with this issue? I've already test the network and profile but the both have errors. This is the error i get ..

Display of Profile Error

DIsplay of Test Network Error

Display of Test Profile Error

 Before that i have no issues about my network connection and my link planner

Does anyone can help me with this issue? Thank you.

same issues, I used version 4.7.4.

Hi Folks,

Our apologies, we have a problem with our server, which we are working on. I will update this thread when we have more information.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


The Path Profile Server is now back up and running. Please re-submit your profile requests, everything should now be back to normal.

Apologies for the inconvenience.



Dear Rachel,

Thank you for your support, anyway, where i can get free education about Cambium?

Keep reading posts in the community forum and community knowledge base, of course!

Check our web site for webinars:

Check our resources page:

I hope this helps!


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One more suggestion - check out the Training page on our web site:  You can filter by the type of event you would like to attend including a wide variety of webinars and self-directed training sessions.  the instructor led classes are periodically no cost, just depends on the instructor.  Scott

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Maybe can i got some chance to attend it in Indonesia or nearest country from here?


The training locations are on the web pages.
