SM dropping signal

I've been searching the forums with no luck. Customer is reporting their SM dropping signal fairly regularly. The following messages appear fewquently in the SM Power Adjust Log:

12/30/2014 : 17:16:06 UTC : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PAREQTO, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 0
12/30/2014 : 17:16:06 UTC : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PASRSP, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 4

Can anyone translate or provide suggestion?

Firmware is 13.2

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I'd like a translation of this as well...Similar situation, similar log entries in SM Power Adjust Log.

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Every 2 minutes the SM Power Adjust Log is updated with a Power Adjust Request Time Out (PAREQTO) and waits for a Power Adjust Response (PASRP).  You should expect to see these messages in the SM Poer Adjust Log.  Is the SM which the customer is calling about showing a high number of registrations and re-registrations under the APs session page?  In a perfect install the session counts should show 1 Session, 1 Registration, 0 Re-registration.

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To add to Tom's reply, these power adjust messages are completely normal part of the PMP system. This is the mechanism where the AP is controlling the SM’s transmit power.

This is most likely not the cause of SM’s dropping session.

We are not aware of session drop issues on 13.2. Is your whole  sector upgraded to 13.2? 13.2 does not interoperate well with releases before it.

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i have ALL my SM doing the same. Please advise if this is resolved? if so, how can I fix it?


we have the same problem:

06/11/2018 : 18:42:16 CEST : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PAREQTO, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 0
06/11/2018 : 18:42:16 CEST : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PASRSP, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 22
06/11/2018 : 18:43:16 CEST : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PAREQTO, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 0
06/11/2018 : 18:43:16 CEST : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PASRSP, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 22
06/11/2018 : 18:44:16 CEST : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PAREQTO, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 0
06/11/2018 : 18:44:16 CEST : Event: SMSESMSG, MsgType: PASRSP, NewState: REGISTERED, Flag 20

AP and SM have 15.1.5 installed, SM is NOT dropping his session.
SM Receive Target Level : -55dBm
Actual signal:

LUID: 036 - [0a-00-3e-b5-95-7a]
PMP 450 MIMO VC 52 Rate 8X/4X MIMO-B -66.5 1.5dB V - H 14 V / 20 H

So SM is not modulating his power according AP's limit.

Thank you


The power control can only increase the TX power at the SM until it reaches the maximum permissible.

If you look at the front page of the SM does it show something like

Transmit Power     27dBm (target power [44dBm] exceeded maximum)

We can look at why the SM drops once we have confirmed this one way or the other.

best regards,


Yes, it says:

Transmit Power :
22 dBm (target power [32 dBm] exceeded maximum)

@MW_WISP wrote:
Yes, it says:

Transmit Power :
22 dBm (target power [32 dBm] exceeded maximum)

So that makes sense, the SM wants to increase to 32dBm but cannot go above 22dBm, a gap of 10dB. This matches the Rx power at the AP being approx 10dB too low compared to Rx target level.

Can you give some more details about the SM drops, is it just this one SM ? have you seen a change with s/w versions etc. I may ask for field_diags.cgi if you have a Medusa as the AP and engineer.cgi from the SM (and AP if not Medusa). These should be emailed to me, not posted to forum.

Reply here or via private message if you prefer.

best regards
