15.1.1 Configuration File Documentation

Attached is the 15.1.1 Configuration File Documentation for the 450 Platform.

It contains information on the configuration file format, some example configurations, how the config file can be imported and exported, how to use the config file in a zero touch config, and a list of configuration file attributes.

Because of it's length, it's being distributed as a PDF.



Thanks, Jamus.

Just wanted to post the Introduction so you have a little more information on what this file actually contains.

The 450 platform can be configured using a file that contains the various settings and parameters in a human-readable file. The files can be transferred to and from the radio via numerous protocols, like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and TFTP.

These configuration files do not have to specify all the possible configurable attributes in order to be valid. For example, the config file could contain just the frequency and bandwidth to use. Attributes that aren't specified in the configuration file can either default to what the radio is currently configured to, or to the factory default. For example, a very basic configuration file could be created and only contain the minimum attributes required to register an SM to an AP. This configuration file would be specified to use factory defaults if an attribute isn't specified. Other configuration files can then be applied to configure QoS, VLAN, or MIR. These configuration files would not specify to use factory defaults, so that when applied, they only change what was specified in the configuration file.

The configuration files use the JSON standard (see http://www.json.org). This standard was chosen because of the large third-party support for the format, while being human readable and editable. This document contains information on the configuration file format, some example configurations, how the config file can be imported and exported, how to use the config file in a zero touch config, and a list of configuration file attributes.