I have unexplained periodic resets on both Canopy OFDM 30

I have unexplained periodic resets on both Canopy OFDM 30, 60, 150 and 300Mbps Backhaul, Why?

Problem :
Unexplained periodic resets on both Canopy OFDM 30, 60, 150 and 300Mbps Backhauls

Background :
Exposing our equipment to a Network that uses multiple VLAN ID?s when both VLAN tagging AND VLAN ID validation are enabled on the unit can result in a link resetting.

Exposing our equipment to a Network that sends Double VLAN taggedpackets (either directly addressed to our unit or via Broadcast)when both VLAN tagging AND VLAN ID validation are enabled on the unit can result in a link resetting.

Exposing our equipment to a Network that sends Double VLAN taggedpackets (either directly addressed to our unit or via Broadcast)when both VLAN tagging AND VLAN ID validation are disabled on the unit can result in loss of communications to the unit. The link will however remain established and bridging traffic.


1) VLAN ID validation is DISABLED when managing Canopy OFDM 30, 60, 150 and 300Mbps Backhaul units with single VLAN tagged packets.

2) VLAN management must be disabled on Canopy OFDM 30, 60, 150 and 300Mbps Backhaul units on networks which carry Double VLAN tagged packets.
(Only single tagged packets is supported.)