License Violation Issue on PTP 820 radio

If you see a License Violation issue on the PTP 820 radios, please follow the below procedure to resolve the issue.

Please go under Platform --> Activation Key --> Activation Key Overview. Scroll to the extreme right and check the last columnwhich states violated. Below are two examples of common issues:

  1. If you see the "The number of Gigabit Ethernet ports" violated, this states that you are using additional ethernet ports apart from which you are licensed for.

Solution : In this scenario, please go under Platform --> Management --> Interface Manager and put the admin status “down” of the ethernet ports that you are not licensed for.

  1. Other common scenario of the license being violated is "Radio Capacity Level". This is violated if you have configured higher throughput under MRMC apart from what you are license for.

Solution : In this scenario, please go under Radio --> MRMC --> Symmetrical Scripts --> ETSI/FCC. Select the script and click Configure Script and change the MRMC Script Maximum Profile to the throughput that you are licensed for.

Note : On Applying the settings, the radio will reboot automatically.


Vivek Gupta