cn maestro new sector graphing to be used for pre sign up authorization

With the new Cnmaestro sector graphing available, it would be a great add on feature to be able not only see the sector pattern on a map with all the subscribers plotted inside of that sector, but to also see what package speed plan they have. With that ability, Cnmaestro now turns into a sales tool for the office and allows us to pre authorize a sign up for that customer. We know that on this sector, in this given area we have people able to get "x" amount of speed. We should be abke to make the determinaiton from there if they also can get that speed or not, possibly saving a truck roll. Possibly an APi integration available with our billing system so the customers speed plan is polled to Cnmaestro? Anyone else have suggestions on how to take this to the next level?

I agree. This would be an awesome tool to have. Especially if the API would allow you to pull live tower data instead of the information being pulled from and only according to the information that is input from the user. Being able to pull the data directly from live towers and sectors would be an awesome marketing tool for all of us.