Analyzing Error Status (Part 2 of 4)


This article is part 2 of a series of topics about cnMaestro on-boarding and troubleshooting.  Please see Device On-boarding for a listing of all parts in this series.

1.  If you are receiving an error message on the device when on-boarding via Cambium ID, please reference the table below:

Error Status



Failed to Resolve URL

The cloud URL is not being resolved by the device.

· Ensure that the cnMaestro cloud URL is

·  If the URL is correct, check the DNS settings and Internet connectivity.

·  If the internet connectivity and DNS works fine then check the firewall configuration for device IP Address and the protocols http/https/SSL are allowed as part of ACL.  For more information, see Checking Device/cnMaestro Connectivity

Invalid Cambium ID/On Boarding key

Wrong configuration of Cambium ID or On Boarding key

· Ensure that the correct credentials are entered.

Insufficient credentials

Device is unclaimed

· Claim the device either by serial number or Cambium ID

Device Not Claimed

Device is unclaimed

· Claim the device either by serial number or Cambium ID


Device is trying to connect to cnMaestro server

· Device is in connecting state

2.  If you are receiving an error message on the device when on-boarding via serial number, please reference the table below:

Error Status



Unknown Device

Device serial number is not known to cnMaestro server

 · Enter the correct serial number of the device or try on boarding using Cambium ID

Invalid Serial Number

Device serial number is less than 12 characters and given for claiming

· Enter the correct serial number of the device or try on boarding using Cambium ID

Already Managed by this account

Device is already managed by the current user account

· Do not try both the serial number and cambium ID on boarding methods at the same time.

Already Managed by other Account

Device is already claimed in another user account

· Ensure that the entered serial number of device belongs to current user account.

After the error messages occurs, you may click the OK button in the error dialog and then rectify the serial numbers by entering correct values and initiating the claiming procedure.

3.  The cnMaestro Account ID is the Cambium ID or account name chosen while creating the company account which indicates that the devices belongs to that account. The cnMaestro Account ID will be blank when the device is not claimed and will be populated when the device is claimed in the cnMaestro server. The Account ID is available in the device dashboard or home page.


Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN tengo problema al sincronizar con la cuenta cloud

could you please share the error screen shot?