Changing On-premise to Cloud

Our tests of onpremise cnMaestro are not going well, so we are switching over to trying some testing with the cloud version. I got set up with the ID and key to do the onboarding, but I cannot get my AP to let go of the AccountID of cnmaestro_on_premises. I tried disabling remote cnMaestro management and rebooting, but the Account ID is still there. I'm wondering if this is the roadblock to my AP even being able to connect to the cloud server.

On your AP please give the management URL of cloud and your cloud cambiumID and key once again and click save.

Did you try this ?

Or try to go to your On-Premises UI and unclaim the device when it’s connected to your On-Premises. Once you successfully unclaim fro. Your On-Premises then go to your AP GUI and change the management URL to cloud with new cambiumID and key

Hmm... our VM got hosed and we can't get into it to try and unclaim. I don't understand why it is stuck on being claimed since it can't reach the server anymore.