How to reset the console password of the NOC cnMaestro

Customer lost the password of the console and wants to reset it.


Power On the server.

1. In the In GRUB loaded screen go to advanced option and then to Ubuntu recovery mode as below.

If you don’t get the Recovery mode then please follow the below steps.

  • Quickly press and hold the Shift key (or Escape key on some computers), which will bring up the GNU GRUB menu.
  • Select the line which starts with "Advanced options".
  • Select the line ending with "(recovery mode)".


2. Select Root, this will give the Root shell entry access.


3. Enter the below commands.

Remount the root partition with rw permission as

#mount –o remount, rw / 


#passwd cambium

(This will prompt for the password change)


We can remount the root partition with read only afterwards (prior state)

#mount –o remount, ro /




In the above screen shot we have used cnmaestro as new password.

Login as cambium user with cnmaestro as password.


Sanjay Kumar

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