Local redirect from cloud possible? Also, anyway to "auto-onboard" new devices?


Is there a way to configure the cloud to local redirect automatically? Ideally, we would like a factory default SM once plugged into a DHCP interface to be able to check into the cloud, get our local ID then check back in to the local for configs.

I could setup a template with a local source but I'd like it to automatically happen. I'd also like to auto-onboard new devices. I tried claim from device providing an SM a user/pass but it basically does the same thing as unsociliced, leaves it in a pending approval state it just shows what user "claimed" it.

DHCP options can be use to automatically direct devices to your On-Premises cnMaestro instance.


WiFi device types can be pre-provisioned via the Claim Device button in the onboarding screen and also Auto-Provisioned via Shared Settings (gear icon on left) -> Auto-Provisioning.  Auto-Provisioning is only available for On-Premises.  Unfortunately these are currently WiFi-only feature and do not support ePMP or PMP device types.  There is an Approve All button on the onboarding page if you don't want to specify onboarding options for specific devices and just get to managing the device.