Problem with auto splash captive portal page on IOS

We tried the captive portal capabilities and when we  integrated facebook login auto splash page we had some issues, more specific we cannot managed to get the OK on IOS so the whole procedure was stopped. As we read on the topic 'Social login fails with some Facebook accounts' this problem is known and the moderator recomendation is to enable the 'Bypass Captive Portal Detection'. Do you have any news about this issue ?

The IOS 10.12.X or higher versions CNA(Captive Network Assist) browser seems to be having issues with Facebook login. Other vendors too reporting the same issue and have made notifications on IOS issue with Facebook login. As of now the Facebook login will work only with standard browsers and we advise customers to enable captive portal bypass.



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Do we have any updated news for that problem ?

Yes we will roll out the fix in the next two weeks.
We are fixed the issue and currently in our testing phase.



It seems we cant do much on the social login issue as Apple CNA browser has blocked cookie support and all the social login vendor uses cookie to authenticate.. so until then you need to bypass the Captive portal page (select this checkbox in cnMaestro guest portal page under access control)


I see, but how its possible to this feature to be operational on other vendors ? Auto splash (when facebook login is active) is not working even on non ios devices ..

Due to recent changes in both CNA as well Facebook API social login can not be supported on ios as well android devices. It used to work earlier but it no longer works. Google social login API has completely disabled support for CNA browsers.