Wi-Fi AutoProvisioning for Enterprise (E) and Home (R) devices for cnMaestro on Premises Server(Pro)

Wi-Fi Auto Provisioning for Enterprise (E) and Home (R) devices for cnMaestro on Premises Server (Pro feature)

This document explains about the Auto-provision feature and functionality for Enterprise (E) and Home (R) series devices for cnMaestro on Premises server. This feature is available from 1.4.0 versions.

CnMaestro on premises server has option to configure the auto-provision rules, which helps in auto-configure and approve devices when it first contacts the server, which reduces the manual effort of configuring devices and approving the devices from Onboarding queue.

Auto-Provision rule Creation:-

Wi-Fi Auto-Provisioning can be accessed through Configure->Auto-Provisioning. We can create rules only for Enterprise (E) and Home (R) series devices in Access and Backhaul account type and only Enterprise (E) series devices for Wi-Fi only account.


Click on “Add” redirects to the new tab where we can create a rule with Subnet, Device type, Network, Site, AP Group and Approve options.


Subnet: - Which defines the subnet with CIDR of the devices to which the rule has to be apply.

Ex: - Subnet/CIDR ( which explains the devices with the IP addresses ranging from to, created rule will apply.

Device type: - Which defines, the rule created is for Enterprise (E) or Home (R) devices. In Wi-Fi only account type, this option is not applicable, as Wi-Fi only account type will have only Enterprise (E) devices.

Network: - Which defines, once device contacts the server, to which network the device should be onboarded.

Site: - Which defines, once device contacts the server, under which site the device should be onboarded.

AP Group: - Which defines, once device contacts the server, which AP Group to be applied on the device when Onboarding.

Approve - Which defines, device should be auto-approve or needs manual approval for Onboarding.

After adding the rule, admin can edit (network, site, AP Group and enable/disable the Approve option) or delete the rule. Rule once created, admin cannot edit the Subnet and device type in the same rule. Admin can create separate rules for Enterprise (E) or Home (R) devices with the same subnet and CIDR. However, admin cannot create the rules for same device type, which is in conflict with the existing CIDR rule.

Before moving to another tab, admin needs to save the page, otherwise the rules not saved or apply to the devices. These rules are not applicable for the already onboarded devices and the devices which are already in Onboarding queue.