Window Details Job

During a Job, in the Details, if i select 50 and not 10 elements (default) it would be nice to see the window expand downwards

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Don't like that it's pinned and unalterable.  Also, I think the Jobs link should be broken out as "Application", to me, denotes manipulation of the cnMaestro ("Users", "Server" and "Settings") Application.

I added requests to remove the popup and expand page height to match row count. We need to think a little more about the placement of the Jobs pages: later in the year we are going to expand the functionality to better integrate scheduling, recurrence, and tracking. It will become a more foundational feature, and we may alter its placement as it expands.

Thanks - All I'm trying to convey is that "Application" to me denotes the cnMaestro program itself.  As such, I believe only program related settings/links should reside there.

Application "Users" - Users allowed to use the cnMaestro application

Application "Server" - Server the cnMaestro application runs on (OP)

Application "Settings" - cnMaestro application configuration settings

Anything not directly related to a cnMaestro application setting should be in a different location.

Food for thought.

Thanks again!