
is there a possibility to install cnmaestro on a physical computer?

we're not so big company to have a server and a virtual machine.

Hi zippo -- there isn't an ISO installation for cnMaestro. How many devices are you planning to manage? You may be able to get by running a host-based virtualization platform such as VMware Workstation.

5-10 AP and 100-150 unit

now I have 2 AP and 20 units, migration is slow

Not sure I understand -- are you already running it on a hosted VM? The performance will of course depend upon the hardware and other processes executing simultaneously on the box. Are you executing it as per the recommendations?

no, I only have a laptop This is not yet online, so I asked for installation on a physical computer.

Maybe you should use the Cloud based version of cnMaestro


thank you, I did not know about this opportunity