ePMP-1000 - cnMaestro - Firmware Upgrade Problem

We have had problems when we use cnMaestro (on-premises) (Version 1.6.0-r5) to upgrade ePMP-1000 radios from Version 3.5 to Version 3.5.1.

On a lot of the remote ePMP-1000 radios, cnMaestro will load Version 3.5.1 in the radios, but the radios will never reboot on their on.

Effectively, they are locked up, until someone goes out to the remote sites and power recycles them. 

Once the power is removed, they come back and operate with Version 3.51.

We are tired to the truck rolls........

What is the answer to this problem.   


Are these APs or SMs? And are these the regular ePMP 1000s or Force180/190/200?



Also does an upgrade directly on the radio’s GUI work?


Both AP's and SM's.  The last one was an SM - 30 miles in the country.


Was the software update job successfully completed or did you observe any errors in the software update job?

Please attach the screenshot of the job.

help me

@Malik eljozouk wrote:

help me

We are going to need more info. :)