ePMP and PMP 450 Synchronization

Synchronization of ePMP and PMP 450 networks has arisen a number of time on Community.  It may not be obvious but included in ePMP Release 3.5.2 RC 15 Beta includes this long sought capability!  Synchronizing ePMP and PMP 450 networks enables graceful co-mingling of the network architectures to optimize coverage, capacity and economics.  You can find the Beta load and discussion at https://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/ePMP-Beta/ePMP-Beta-Release-3-5-2-RC15-is-now-available/m-p/87293#M1005




Good day Scott.

Im checking the ePMP/450 co-colocation tool, but when use a frame length of 2.5 ms the timing values give me an error (#¡VALOR!). is something wrong with the tool or Im missing something?


  I tried it myself using your settings but did not have any problems.

For what it is worth I am using Excel 2016.


We need 2.5ms framing at 10MHz on ePMP. At 5MHz as well if it can be done. Be nice if 5MHz finally supported the DFS bands, too. 5MHz is pretty much only useful for a customer PTP (barn to house for example). We've been putting those at 10MHz because of no DFS.

Anyway.. ePMP is great. 450 is great. We use what makes the most sense at a particular site. We just need them to be in sync everywhere possible.

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Ditto. 2.5ms frames at 10mhz and 5mhz channel widths.