What's stopping you from transitioning to Elevate Flexible Licensing from Fixed Licensing?

Hi all,

I would be really grateful if you could share your thoughts on Flexible Licensing solution: pros and cons.

Your feedback will help us to improve and optimize current solution.

Thank you in advance.

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For us, it is that moving to flexible licensing requires us to open up our APs to https traffic to contact the licensing server, which we do not really want to do.  The dream would be if we could do the licensing via cnMaestro.


We do not allow our RAN any access to the Internet, as suggested, if this was part of the on-premise cnMaestro then we would use the flexible licensing. Currently we only elevate sites that are experiencing problems, we would elevate more if this was available through the on-premise cnMaestro.


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There is no way we can open our APs to the internet.

We would need either a proxy service, or a facility in cnMaestro on-premises server for flexible licencing.

To be honest, we are leaving sites on ubnt for now due to the cost and headache of surplus licenses to manage client migrations on small sites. Too much experience of a client having their CPE switched off when support desk adds what they think is client # 10 to an elevate AP, then time wasted and disgruntled cutomers because a CPE is switched on in the evening with no service and nothing in the logs again the next day...

We have probably 100 ubnt APs with 5-15 clients on them and the half again as many with 15-25. Too many to manage firewall exceptions and way too many to drop a spare licence block onto each just in case!

Rather like the original elevate release, flexible licences are a great idea, halfway implemented...

We have plans to have Licensing Server integrated with cnMaestro on-premises, but it is long way to go.

However we can add Proxy support for Flexible Licensing to ePMP.

Could it help you to handle issue with direct access to Internet from your network?

Thank you.

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Hi Fodor,

Proxy would be useful, for now we have a proxy nat in place.

We do however need to know what IP address the server is at for our firewalls.

Can you you provide the address or a list of addresses please?



Sorry to reach down into the depths of old posts but I did have a question on this topic.  We have started rolling out our flexible license server for all of our new deployments but we have licenses applied to APs all over our network that are locked to the specific APs.  Is there a process for reclaiming those licenses and adding them to the pool?  If so, what is that process?

Thank you for your reply,

- Jake

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