3 Admin User Not Enough

Getting started here and I can't seem to add more then 3 admin users.

Is this intended how it will go live? We have multiple techs and noc reps who need access so three would not be enough users.

Will there be any tiers of access? It does appear to have an admin and a "not admin" but since there is a 3 user limit we can't  really test this.



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Only recently was the ability added to onboard 100 ePMP devices.  That should give you an idea about where Cambium is with this.  Three admin users should be more than enough for 100 devices.

So far for us, it's been a pretty thing to look at every now and then.  Otherwise we have monitoring tools to do what we need and that actually offer us much more insight (good ol snmp and cacti).   I still keep hoping that Cambium can just match UBNT's AirControl 1, add SNMP for other devices and be done with it.  UBNT hit most nails on the head with that and then in their lack of infinite wisdom pulled it and moved on to the next romance with a new dev.

We have over 5000 cambium sm’s deployed and if we’re looking at using this for home routers and voip devices three is definitely not enough.

Good to know it’s a work in progress though and they are actively fixing issues like this.


Ditto on the three user limitation.  This isn't even enough for me to demo it with our field, admin, and support teams.  Any response from Cambium on this?  This is show stopper teritory if it isn't on the near-term roadmap.  

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