5+ miles - reflector

Hello, I am pleased with the new EPMP hardware, except the power levels seem low. I have a integrated antenna SM at 5.2 miles, best I can get on it is 78 downlink RSSI. It is LOS. Base tower is 170 ft, with Cambium 120 sector antenna.

Are there future plans for some type of integrated reflector antenna that will offer higher gain? (like Ubiquiti’s Nanobeam/Nanobridge) I will not use the large reflector dishes, they are just plain ugly.

Also, is there any built-in down-tilt to your sector antennas? I have it set level right now.

Ola Jess, participando da sua pergunta, a Cambium poderia nos fornecer alguns níveis de inclinação das setoriais para serem instalados nos exemplos de terreno para os clientes, seria legal ter comparações para auxílio de instalação em campo.

We have a reflector dish for our our Integrated ePMP radios. You can find out the details here: http://www.cambiumnetworks.com/spec-sheets/epmp_reflector_dish

For our connectorized ePMP radios we have an antenna we call “Force 100” You can find out about the Force 100 here: http://www.cambiumnetworks.com/spec-sheets/epmp_force100_specs

As for our Sector antennas, there is no “built-in” down-tilt.

To keep abreast of ePMP accessories keep an eye on our ePMP product page here: http://www.cambiumnetworks.com/products/epmp
(Brochures and Antenna Specs are along the right-hand side of the web-page.)