All clients drop from both sectors of V5000 when I add a new client?

So what I have observed is that when I add a new client to a V5000, all the other links drop from both sector 1 and 2 for a few seconds.

Is this a known issue, or should I submit a ticket?

Hello, Glad to hear your working with our cnWave solution, and would be great to hear more about your particular use-case. With regards to your specific question of all existing clients momentarily dropping when you add a new client to a V5000, that would certainly not be expected behavior. None of your existing clients should be affected in that way when your adding new ones. Would certainly suggest you open a ticket with our Support team if this is what you continuously experiance. Hopefully you have a LINKPlanner project file already available for this cnWave deployment, as that’s likely one of the first things you’ll be asked to provide to help the team quickly familiarize themselves with your specific setup… If not, if you have the radio locations (lat/lon) and orientations available, they can assist with putting one together with you.


Hi Greg,

What software are you running on the V5000?


We opened a ticket, sorry for the non-response. Issue seems to have self healed, still monitoring for other occurrences.