All ePMP3000/3000L self reboot/crash eventually?

Mainly 4.6.1 with pretty much issues on a mix of 3000 and 3000L. For our solar sites the uptime is over a year. Upgraded some to 5 months prior and they’re all still running.

80MHz channels are only a dream for us though.

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Hello everyone,

this thread looks very exciting! Real feedback is priceless. Especially positive. As usually when everything is fine nobody notifies his vendor.

4.7.1-RC18 is published. There are stability improvements. New features, No issues were reported so far.
We constantly run stability tests. But we can not fully replicate real production environment with air instability or other glitches. I will really appreciate if you can try it and report some stability issue if it is there. Just download a techsupport and PM it to me.

Thank you!

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Hi Andrii,

I’m 4.6.2 on every AP accept one 3000L, due to that html issue I let you know about.

The 3000L has always been a crasher/self rebooter and this continues under I will send you some files.

Once the gui html issue is sorted i’ll upgrade some 3k to 4.7.1rc13 and report back.


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Thanks Jacob. Regarding the 3000 with 124 days - what firmware version is it running and how many subscribers does it have?

Andrii, to confirm - it’s only one 3000L that has issues. My other 3000Ls are pretty good.

Then the 3000’s of course, which I will report back on once upgraded to 4.7.1tc13- I need the gui thig fixed first, which might be my old mac laptop as i’m not seeing others with gui issues. Will send you some screenshots etc.


Firmware is buggy. It works sensibly both on 3000 4x4 and 3000L base stations and on AC/N SMs with firmware 4.7.1-RC18. We have noticed an improvement in SM performance in the “n” standard (40 MHz). The GUI on 4.7.1-RC18 is ok in a web browser on a computer (Safari macOS) or mobile browser (iOS). SMs connect to the base faster. When you change the frequency (channel) of the base station, the AC terminals do not disconnect and change the channel on the fly. Cool.


UTP cables do not matter whether they are category 5e or 6. It is enough if they are of good quality (necessarily copper) and external (resistant to UV and high/low temperatures). We use VLAN’s on the AP or SM’s, we enable and use SNMP for monitoring, we use cnMaestro cloud. We use sync and at all sites we use a TDD fixed ratio of 75/25. We not use IPv6. We use PPPoE (via BRAS) in the network, we do not use Cambium MIR. QoS bandwidth cutting for users on SMs is performed by the BRAS server for the entire network. With over 80 base stations, one 3000L sector restarts sporadically (software is still broken, we are in the process of changing the entire network to 4.7.1-RC18). At base stations, we cut off traffic between devices on network switches. Traffic only goes “up” the network to the Internet and back. On a tower with e.g. 6 x AP, the movement between them is cut off. This prevents any unnecessary broadcasts or storm traffic on the network.

I’m 4.6.2 on every AP accept one 3000L, due to that html issue I let you know about...


They all still crash eventually. The other day one of my e3k completely stopped broadcasting from 11pm until it eventually crashed at 6am. There are 35 customers on this radio. The fact it eventually crashed is great, as it self rebooted and came back to life.

My point is, they all eventually crash and burn.

I am always torn between loving and hating these radios. I love their awesome performance and how I can see exactly what packets are making it at what modulation rate, and that I can control that, and the problems I have with reliability.

I would rather have the epmp range than any ubiquiti or mimosa any day, but I just wish they were more reliable.

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Mainly 4.6.1 with pretty much issues on a mix of 3000 and 3000L. For our solar sites the uptime is over a year. Upgraded some to 5 months prior and they’re all still running.