Captive portal configuration for CnMaestro on premise

Good Afternoon,

Currently I am using a CnPilot E500 running firmware 3.3-r16

CnMaestro is on premise running:

OVA Version: 1.4.0-r11
Package Version: 1.5.0-r12
I have got the guest access running through the AP and utilizing the splash screen.
I have also got the free access and voucher access applications to work exactly as expected.
Now my real question, I would like to enable the "Paid" option but utilize something other then Paypal for a payment gateway. Is this even an option? If it is what would the configuration look like? I really appreciate all the help and if you need anything from me please let me now.
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Currently Paypal is only supported as payment gateway option. In the upcoming releases we will plan for adding some more payment gateways. As of now ,Please let us know which payment gateway you are looking into integrate with.

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Thank you KR for the quick response. I would like to utilize our current gateway provider IP Pay. I really appreciate all the help.

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Raised a feature request for this integration  .  Talked to the Engineering team and they are planning for IP Payment gateway integration in the future releases.