CBRS CPI - Who has it?

Exploring the option of bringing in CBRS onto our already extensive Cambium network. I’m curious as to who holds the CBRS CPI at your organization?

The hiccup for us is that we are open access - we run the APs, lease the SMs and providers, not employed by us, do the install of the SM and service for the end customer. Trying to wrap my mind around how we would satisfy this requirement and do our due diligence that information is accurate.

The CPI does not need to be at the installs. Just to verify the information is correct.
Have them screenshot the GPS info right below the SM with SM in the photo take a picture of a laser range finder next to the SM pointed at the ground to get the height off the ground then have them snap a picture of the install when done.
With that information, you should be able to verify the location and AGL then the azimuth and downtilt can be calculated by link planner or manually. Most locations only take 2 minutes to get a grant unless CPAs or IAP come in to play at your location.

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