Certbot/LetsEncrypt certificate support

@Jordan wrote:

Thanks for the information Luis and newkirk.  That clarifies the request and the benefits of LetsEncrypt.

I suggest adding this request to the Ideas section (and both upvote) to extend the existing Generate CSR UI tool to support LetsEncrypt with an auto-renew option for that 90 days limit.


Done, at http://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/Your-Ideas/Certbot-LetsEncrypt-certificate-support/idi-p/81108

Though as I've mentioned before on these forums I have little confidence posting in the "your ideas" section...  Maybe that's because I refuse to be a cheerleader urging people to upvote an idea, (or doing so myself from my old idle userIDs) or because some ideas seem to sit there forever with no action, or maybe I'm just wrong.
