Change Channel Size Scanned on SMs

Yes, this can be accomplished using a configuration template.  The basic steps for this are to first create a template and add it to cnMaestro under Configuration -> Templates.  Then from the Dashboard go to the Configuration tab and set up options to push the configuration template you just added.  If you do this at the site level or higher you can select multiple devices for this update.  I recommend testing with a single device first.

At the below link is a basic guide for creating the template itself.

A good method for creating new templates like this is to make the desired configuration change directly on a test device's web GUI and then export the configuration to use as a baseline. 

If the test device is managed  cnMaestro you can go to Configure -> Devices, find that device and click the page icon under the View column.  This will display the device's confguraiton as a template which you can save from that view.

If the test device is not managed by cnMaestro, on the device web UI navigate to Configuration -> Unit Settings -> Download Configuration File and click the link with the format <MAC address>.cfg.  The downloaded file can be used to create a template.

I sometimes use a text editor for this part.  Search the text of the template for the VLAN entries you are interested in and remove everything else.  Most of the parameters should have 1-to-1 matching with what you set in the web GUI. When you are done editing, validate the template using something like to ensure the format is still correct.

If you're having trouble with this post back here and I can help.  It will be helpful to know if you are working with ePMP or PMP SMs.