Client devices(Phone/Laptops/others) are not connecting to ePMP-AP which is in Standard Wi-Fi mode

Product: ePMP-1000 in Standard WiFi Mode

Software Version: 2.6.2

Minimum configuration required on the AP:

  • AP Mode: Standard Wi-Fi
  • WLAN enable: Enable
  • SSID name: Cambium-AP or any
  • Authentication Method: Open or WPA2 (key should match/same between the AP and clients)
  • Radio Channel Selection: Need to be selected as per the below link.


  • Make sure we have selected 20 or 40 MHz bandwidth



Incorrect channel frequency was selected (example 5695 MHz). This 5695 MHz channel frequency is a in between frequency. Normally, the Wi-Fi client devices such as phones and laptops will scan only for the certain channel frequencies.


Selected the correct channel frequency (example 5825 MHz) which is in the scan list of all the Wi-Fi client devices.