CNMAESTRO Office 365 Guest Access portal problem

I have tried as you directed me.

I am still getting the message of error:

You may see my config, and the two screen from the azure.

You may also have access to my E500 if you wish for today with with my maestro if you do wish to check it more

I am sorry for the inconvenience but we have spend some much time and I have to understand what is wrong....

Correlation ID: a610aca1-01d4-4123-92a9-9a4bf20fd00e
Timestamp: 2017-08-10 14:44:04Z
AADSTS50020: We are unable to issue tokens from this api version for a Microsoft account. Please contact the application vendor as they need to use version 2.0 of the protocol to support this.


I did mention in my last reply that office365 current support is for Office365 business and school accounts only. If you are trying to build an app for a given office365 business account and users from only that business account will be logged in then you can use this feature. If your requirement is to support any user live/MSN account then it's not supported through the current API's being used. Please submit this requirement into the ideas section.

Thank you,


So my bloody problem is that I am trying a wrong account actually. Then that means we definitely have to include the Microsoft's general account/msn in the armory as an antenna that offers wireless Internet with facebook google+ and Microsoft's is totally perfect as it seems to fulfil any given account out there.

Is it possible to create a test account for office 365. I have created only an account at to test it and this account is outside what you describe actually and fits only to a future plan.

PLease correct me if I am wrong and if this is the only problem then we are ok to close the topic. Please inform if its possible to create a test account somewhere to test actually my work finally.


What you can do is enable multi tentant option in your app, my document also shares the information on this and then if you have a business account with office365 you can use that to login though you will have to again follow the steps of the whitelist business which I had explained to you two days back.

Thank you,


I will try that also and let you knwo