CnMaestro On Premises Network Setup

Hi Cambium forum, I installed the CnMaestro-On-Premises on my server, with VirtualBox. CnMaestro have a Static IP, on the same range with my LAN, and server has a DHCP connection. I tried to access to it, and I have no response, including when I do PING test to that CnMaestro static IP.

I wanna what I need to do, to make it work.

Thanks everyone.

Did you configure VirtualBox networking before setting the IP address? One option would be to set the network adapter to "Gateway" and have cnMaestro use DHCP. Then you can validate the IP addressed received is on the correct subnet, and theĀ  cnMaestro UI is accessible. Once this is working, you can set a static IP address on the same subnet, as long as it is unused and not in the range assigned by DHCP.

So, how I need to setup the network adapter on VirtualBox? Bridge? I understand that you say that I set CnMaestro as DHCP access, and the phisical ehternet opf the server on a static LAN range IP. Please tell me if Im right.