cnMaestro onboarding 1st unit

I'm trying unsuccessfully to onboard my first PMP-450 SM after reading all documents I can find relating to that. I can ping the cloud server from inside the SM under the "Tools"->"DNS Test" tab. Attached is a screenshot from the Log. Surely someone out there has seen this before and can offer a solution?


There should be more logs related to the cnMaestor connection attempt.  Can you capture the logs again after forcing the device to reconnect?  This will let us see any cnMaestro related messages.

To do this go to Configuration -> cnMaestro, disable Remote Management, save, enable Remote Management and then save again.  Then go to the device agent log again.

OK, this is what showed up after following your instructions.


I found this snippet on if that helps. Doesn't say much to me since I'm no a C programmer...

Can you send a screenshot of your cnMaestro settings to jordan.stipati [.at.] ?

Is it possible a firewall is blocking ports 443 or 80?  Outbound connections to these ports are required for cnMaestro.

I'll get it sent. If I can resolve DNS to HTTPS sites and non-HTTPS (HTTP) sites from inside the SM, that should indicate that ports 80 and 443 are open, right?


Not necessarily.  That indicates you are able to successfully query the IP address of the URL from your DNS server.