cnMaestro URL via SNMP

How do I set the cnMaestro URL with SNMP on 450 platform?

Hey hci,

You can set the following OIDs:

"cnMaestroUrl"  at .

"cnMaestroEnable" at  .

If you leave the "cnMaestroUrl" blank on all the SMs and only set it on the AP, but set "cnMaestroEnable" on both the AP and the SMs, the SMs will automatically follow the AP's "cnMaestroUrl" setting.

Good luck.


Hi Al,

Is there a way through SNMP or cnMaestro to grab a list of all of the SMs connected to the AP regardless of whether they have the cnMaestro URL populated?

I want to write a script to populate any incorrect/missing cnMaestro urls.  The ip will be different for each SM depending on the vlan so I cannot use the nifty blank cnMaestro AP/SM trick.


Hey rnelson,

You can use the whispLinkTable ( . on the AP to get a list of all connected devices, along with lots of other stats. Some things to look at here would be the table columns:

  • "linkPhysAddress" (. - This contains the MAC address for each SM.
  • "linkSessState" ( . - This contains the session status for each SM. Note that even if an SM is listed in the whispLinkTable, you can't be sure it's currently connected unless this field says "inSession" (1). This is because we maintain LUID/MAC mappings across reboots in recent software versions, so an SM may be "idle" (0), but still on this list.
  • "linkSiteName" ( . - This field matches what's in the SM's "Site Name" field on the SNMP config page, along with the MAC address in brackets, e.g. "Customer 125 [0a-00-03-ff-ff-ff]". This field can be useful for any addtional identifying info you need when iterating over the list of SMs.

There's a lot more in that table, so I'd suggest taking a look to see what you might need from there, but the above fields should be a good start.

Good Luck!


Thanks Al!

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No problem!

Is there a way to set these with SNMP?

Cambium ID :
Onboarding Key :

Found answer here:

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