cnMaestro VLAN Template Help


I’ve looked around the forums and wasn’t able to find the specific answer to this. If there is a relevant article I apologize and would appreciate a link.

I’m wanting to change the cpe management vlan for my network and am trying to do it quickly via cnMaestro rather than logging into each SM individually. I require a template for both the EPMP and PMP series.

I created this for the EPMP but it doesn’t seem to want to stick. I’m assuming I’m missing some config confirm line to permanently accept the vlan change.

  "device_props": {
    "mgmtVLANEnable": "1",
    "mgmtVLANVID": "199",
    "mgmtVLANVP": "0"

This is the one I have for the PMP devices and I just want to confirm it’s correct:

      "vlanConfig" : {
         "L3PortVIDMap" : [],
         "agingTimeout" : 25,
         "dynamicLearning" : 1,
         "frameType" : 0,
         "managementVID" : 199,
         "managementVIDPriority" : 0,
         "managementVIDPriorityMode" : 0,
         "priorityPrecedence" : 0,
         "providerVID" : 1,
         "vlanAcceptQinQFrames" : 0,
         "vlanMembership" : [],
         "vlanPortType" : 0,
         "vlanRemark" : {}

Thank you so much in advance.

Hi @James_Hindley,

I suggest you post this question to the ePMP and PMP forums as their expertise will be able to give you a better answer. I can tell from your examples though that the PMP template needs to be changed to put vlanConfig within userParameters in order to work.

	"userParameters": {
		"vlanConfig": {
			"L3PortVIDMap": [],
			"agingTimeout": 25,
			"dynamicLearning": 1,
			"frameType": 0,
			"managementVID": 199,
			"managementVIDPriority": 0,
			"managementVIDPriorityMode": 0,
			"priorityPrecedence": 0,
			"providerVID": 1,
			"vlanAcceptQinQFrames": 0,
			"vlanMembership": [],
			"vlanPortType": 0,
			"vlanRemark": {}