cnPilot vs XV Series Speedtest Command (Remote CLI)

So im seeing this command “speedtest” that can be use on the “Remote CLI” tab to test the Internet speed from the AP to existing network (AP connected to Router/ Switch)

Im seeing the different from cnPilot & XV series that cnPilot cannot give the throughput close enough to our incoming Internet which is 100Mbps (pic below is speedtest on E410)

but XV series can;

It would be a good tools to troubleshoot customer network if its work on cnPilot series too, because we can determine wether the AP really get the internet speed as per subscribed and can help us separate the speed issue from user’s devices when connected to our APs

This has never worked and will never work properly on Cambium hardware. Reported many times years ago. Probably given the lowest category to solve, which is never :slight_smile:

Latest update confirmation from Cambium team : for cnPilot will not be reliable because of the hardware but XV series and latest maybe can.

Too bad cnPilot can’t use this because this can be great tools to troubleshoot the network rather than manually test each port the AP uses to test the Internet speed.