CNUT Problems

I had CNUT Version 2 installed on this windows XP pc before, but the drive it was installed on crashed.

I was unable (naturally) to remove the program using Windows Add/Remove, so I went through the registry and have removed everything that I can find dealing with "Updater, Canopy etc…“

When I try to install it will come up and give the install location as

Canopy Network Updater Tool will be installed in the following location:
F:'ERROR: null
with the following features:
Network Updater
for a total size:
66.8 MB

The path reflects where I am running the installer from, in the case above from the root directory of the F drive.

After we click install we get this message:

Errors occurred during the installation.
A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: :*?”
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you reboot your system prior to attempting to use this program.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Clint Wilson

I had that problem on a pc, had to delete the folder on the c drive that cnut was in because the uninstall does not remove it completely. Then it installed with no problems.

Problem is I do not have that folder on the computer, the drive it was installed on crashed. I had a few work related programs installed on that one drive, and this is the only program I have not been able to recover. Just sort of sucks having to VNC in to my Redhat server or RDC in to my Windows Server to do what I used to be able to do here.

I appreciate the suggestion, wish it would work.

Save everything you need, then erase, format and reinstall windows. Might be your best bet. I have had this happen with old version of Norton antivirus and until I totally cleaned off the drive, even the recovery would not fix it.