cnWave 60GHz External E2E Controller Package Release - 1.2.2-r3 has been released

cnWave 60GHz External E2E Controller Package Release - 1.2.2-r3 has been released.

1.2.2-r3 package can be applied on OVA running 1.1.0-r4 or later. If OVA version is less than 1.1.0-r4, OVA version update is required and the same can be performed following the instructions here.

Current OVA version can be seen in Network > Tools > Operations > Software Update > OVA Version from cnMaestro UI

Where to download the package?

1.2.2-r3 External E2E Controller package can be downloaded from the support site(tar.gz).

How to apply the package?

1.2.2-r3 External E2E Controller package can be applied following the instructions here.

What version of E2E Controller Service included?

1.2.2-r3 package has been included with E2E Controller Version 1.2.2.

Changes included in package?

E2E Controller:

E2E Controller system release information can be seen in this link.

External Package:

Features introduced 1.2.2-r1/2/3

  1. Periodic cleanup of dead or exited docker services tasks and containers
  2. Added VM, Processor and Memory details collection in techdump

Problems corrected in 1.2.2-r1

  1. Backup size fix – Updated backup command to exclude additional and non relevant files
  2. Onboard to External – Conversion fails if PoP Nodes have space in name

Problems corrected in 1.2.2-r2(Includes the fixes from 1.2.2-r1)

  1. OVA Version restriction – Disallow the package update if the OVA version is not 1.1.0-r4 or later
  2. Techdump collection – If the services logs are huge in size and due to docker known issues, services log collection fails to fetch the logs of E2E Controller services. Limited the collection only with last 2 hours due to time and size constraints

Problems corrected in 1.2.2-r3(Includes the fixes from 1.2.2-r2)

  1. SQLite DB Schema Update – Sometimes, during the upgrade of 1.2.2-r builds, DB schema update fails if other services lock the tables for write actions