Configure Mesh E400

Hi everyone,

My configured mesh 2 e400 as image . After the mesh is finished

When I access wifi on e400 base I only access the configuration page of e400 base without accessing the configuration page of Mesh Clients. Only when I access wifi on e400 clients then I can access the e400 client configuration page

There are configurations that can be on a wifi that accesses the configuration page of two e400 devices at the same time . Even when I access wifi on e400 base and plug my e400 client directly into the laptop with address it still can not get in.

Please help me !!!

p/s : do not know that in the same network configuration 2 e400 static ip with NAT has conflicted source & destination packets. Although no signal is lost, does it affect the transmission line?

and screenshot follow

screenshot continues 

Hi phanduychinh, 

Please download the techsupport files of 2 E400 AP's and send it to my email

To download the tech support dump "Goto Operations --> System --> Download Tech Support"