/devices API endpoint response data structure change in 2.1 (on-premise) undocumented.


I've been using our on-premise cnMaestro's API for some system integrations. In the API documentation (even for version 2.2) states that the successful response from the /devices GET endpoint is as follows:

"paging": {...}, 
"data": [...]

However, ever since we updated from 1.6.3 to 2.1.0 the /devices enpoint's successful response format changed to:

     "paging": {...}, 
     "data": [...] 

This is a breaking change that I don't see documented anywhere. Does it and will it stay like this new form in the newer and upcoming versions? What other endpoints changed their successful response format?



Sorry for inconvenience and the API was broken in 2.1.0 and we posted in our community.


Whatever you see in 2.2.0 is the right format and wont change.

"paging": {...}, 
"data": [...]

