Disable reset button on ePMP


We need to be able to disable reset button which is attached to inside of the device and this request can not cataloged as an "new idea" because for us it is a necessity which was supposed to be implemented long ago. 

Given that this option is not currently present for our safety investment is not for the better because anyone can steal any of these products ( from the client roof ) press this button and can use the product as well as new ( or sale on diferent place ). Entire  PTMP network It is with products from the UBNT who have this option implemented and now we do not know how to implement ePMP devices without this option.  There's someone else in the same situationIf so what options do you have?

I hope we made our "request" understood as i'm not so good in english.

Best regards,


More recent firmwares will allow you to retain passwords through factory resets, enable in webUI on Tools->Backup/Restore page, option "Retain Passwords".  They can still steal the radio and default it (after which it won't connect you your APs) but the passwords will be unchanged, so (assuming you're not using the default pwd) the radio would be useless to the thief.  (Not optimal perhaps, but just like preventing system default by button it won't prevent them from taking them, or even trying to resell them, just prevents re-use)
