DNS change Template

Can i get some hlep creating a template to change DNS in my SMs? Here's what I have so far:

"userParameters": {
"networkConfig": {
"dnsPrimaryMgmtIP": "",
"dnsAlternateMgmtIP": "",

"cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
"cfgFileVersion": "1.0"

this is for PMP450 devices fyi

any help here would be great.

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The JSON format was not correct and that is why the device was rejecting the config.
I have corrected the format for you.

**Please Note**

The "rebootIfRequired" is configured for true, so this will reboot the SM as soon as the template is imported. 

    "userParameters": {
      "networkConfig": {
        "dnsPrimaryMgmtIP": "",
        "dnsAlternateMgmtIP": "",
        "dnsIpState": 1
    "cfgUtcTimestamp": "2020-06-19T14:15:12Z",
    "configFileParameters": {
      "rebootIfRequired": true,
      "setToDefaults": false
    "cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
    "cfgFileVersion": "1.0"

I have attached the files for this template.


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Thank you! Can you provide the same template for epmp 1000 SMs?


"device_props": {
"networkBridgeDNSIPAddrPrimary": "",
"networkBridgeDNSIPAddrSecondary": "", } }

Note that this is the DNS settings for Bridge mode, not NAT or Router mode.


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