E-Series Template


Have any method to set by template in a unconfigure E400 vs E500 from my cnMaestro?


We are no longer supporting the Template based configguration for E400 and E500 from cnMaestro release 1.4.0.

We provided AP Group and WLAN, in which we can configure all the parameters which are available in device, and push that AP group for configuring E400 and E500 for single or multiple devices.


I'm trying to create an AP Group but synchronize the cnMaestro with my E400 fails. Then E400 restart and lost the connection but a few minutes come back and any of the SSIDs of AP Group isn't created in E400.

Verison of E400:

Version of cnMaestro: 1.5.1-r8v


In the device level configuraiton view, in Device Overrides (Advanced) -> Primary VLAN (VLAN 1), is "Auto-set from device" enabled?  Normally when pushing an AP Group to a device the network settings will remain untouched when this option is enabled. 

Are you using a VLAN besides 1 as your primary native VLAN?  There was an issue with this that was fixed in 1.6.0.