ePMP 1000 - Spectrum Analyzer Disconnecting

Hi guys

I have a ePMP 1000 runing firmware 2.5.2 lastest one, I,m not using Mgmt Vlan

and the spectrum disconnect after few seconds and I can not connect again and I need to rebbot the AP in order to make a capture of 50 seconds


When you start the Spectrum Analyzer, you lose your management connection to the device, and then need to reboot the AP in order to see the results, is that correct? Which device are you running the Spectrum Analyzer on - AP or SM?

Hi Avalderrama,

I tried the Spectrum Analyzer on the AP at my desk with 2.5.2 and 2.5.1 and I had no problems so I want to ask you further questions since I did not replicate your problem.

Does the spectrum analyzer work on an older release?

What version of Java are you using?

What version of OS are you using?

What band are you scanning when you run the tool?

You are not running the spectrum analyzer across a wireless link, correct?
