ePMP Force 300 Subscriber Modules Multipoint Access Point Mode

Summary: This article explains the newly introduced feature starting firmware version 4.7 for configuring ePMP Force 300 Subscriber Modules as Access Point supporting multipoint mode.

Products: ePMP Force 300 Subscriber Modules


In firmware version 4.7 the TDD Driver Mode on ePMP Force 300 Subscriber Modules is introduced when configured as an Access Point.

Steps to configure the multipoint Access point mode:

  • Under the Configuration > Radio tab in the web GUI choose the Radio mode as Access Point.
  • Select Driver Mode as TDD.
  • Max Registrations Allowed could be selected based on the number of Subscriber Modules to be connected to this AP.

Screenshot below shows Force 300 Subscriber Module with Radio Mode Access Point, Driver Mode TDD and Max Registration Allowed 12:

Note: The maximum number of Subscriber Modules (Max registrations allowed) is 12.


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