Epmp hacked? unexplainable traffic/malware?

To create a new template that you can push out to devices onboarded into cnMaestro, first create a template:

Press the “Add Template” button on the right hand side, here’s an example:

You’ll want to use the following JSON script to disable all accounts other then the admin account:

	"device_props": {
		"cambiumSysAccountsTable": [{
				"cambiumSysAccountsName": "installer",
				"cambiumSysAccountsHash": "!$1$yHIXrXnB$tr\/Na771wSO4\/dv8yCvmU\/",
				"cambiumSysAccountsUID": "2000",
				"cambiumSysAccountsGID": "100",
				"cambiumSysAccountsDir": "\/tmp",
				"cambiumSysAccountsShell": "\/bin\/false"
				"cambiumSysAccountsName": "home",
				"cambiumSysAccountsHash": "!$1$\/Bv9wvkq$5lBZqqsoAJj4uYOhb7pOS0",
				"cambiumSysAccountsUID": "3000",
				"cambiumSysAccountsGID": "100",
				"cambiumSysAccountsDir": "\/tmp",
				"cambiumSysAccountsShell": "\/bin\/false"
				"cambiumSysAccountsName": "readonly",
				"cambiumSysAccountsHash": "!$1$zn4\/PlCl$1qP9PGmPChDwkDAgp5Qgw0",
				"cambiumSysAccountsUID": "4000",
				"cambiumSysAccountsGID": "100",
				"cambiumSysAccountsDir": "\/tmp",
				"cambiumSysAccountsShell": "\/bin\/false"
				"cambiumSysAccountsName": "dashboard",
				"cambiumSysAccountsHash": "$1$Y9oz6eRg$ysokBk9VZCGo4AN6WQgVF0",
				"cambiumSysAccountsUID": "5000",
				"cambiumSysAccountsGID": "100",
				"cambiumSysAccountsDir": "\/tmp",
				"cambiumSysAccountsShell": "\/bin\/false"

After you’ve made the template, you can then push it out to ePMP radios (both AP and SM) that are onboard and communicating with cnMaestro. Click on ‘Monitor and Manage’, then select ‘System’ network entry, then click the ‘Configuration’ tab near the top middle of the console. Set the device type to ePMP, and then select the newly created template. Then select the ePMP radios you’d like to push the change out to:

Scroll to the bottom then you can apply the changes now or schedule them to be applied later:


This has been tested with e1k/e3k radios on 4.6.2… but it should work with all of them. UPDATE! For some reason it seems as though it can cause some AP’s to reboot. I have not had this script reboot any SM’s yet.