Feature Request: Method of filtering radios by rf band (3ghz vs 5ghz) on Maps

It is currently impossible to display only 3ghz AP’s in the cnMaestro Map’s.

When you have hundreds of 5ghz AP’s in a region, and a handful (but growing) of 3ghz CBRS AP’s, the map’s become almost useless for visualizing and planning / troubleshooting your 3ghz deployment.

It would be so very nice if there was just a simple filter option to show just 5ghz AP’s or just 3ghz AP’s.

Please please please!

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Hi Jameth,

The SM frequency filter is already available in network maps. In the map mode drop down you have to select the frequency option and then filter on the frequency of your choice.


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Ah, “Map Mode - Frequency” was what I was missing, thanks for the info!

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