fixed line over Cambium in BFWA spectrum

Helo frends,

Do you know any operator in Europe or USA or worldwide that are providing fixed telephone line over Cambium equipment in BFWA spectrum. Or maybe any operater that is providing nomadic NWA line in this spectrum.

Thak you for sharing !!!

Are you asking if people are providing voice over IP service using Cambium fixed wireless equipment in unlicensed (900MHz, 2.4GHz, 5GHz) and licensed spectrum (3.5/3.65GHz)? If that's your question, then yes, there are many many WISP's doing this.

In regards to your question "Or maybe any operater that is providing nomadic NWA line in this spectrum.", Cambium does not make equipment that is suitable for nomadic usage. All of their equipment is design for fixed, outdoor use.

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If by nomadic you mean using the wireless link, then taking it down and redeploying it in another location, that's possible. As Eric says though, using the wireless link whilst one or other ends are moving is not supported.