How to add CN to existing link simply?

How to add CN to existing link simply?

Our client have a link, V5000 as POP-DN, V1000 as CN, and the security is PSK password.
If they need to add a new V1000 to DN, I need to do:

  1. Config the V1000 as CN, IP, security psk password.
  2. Add a node in controller, and add a link.

Is that right? or have more simply method?

Thanks and regards,


PSK requires initial provisioning. Login to device directly and configure psk.

Rest of the following steps are at E2E (onboard E2E GUI or cnMaestro)

  1. Create a new site for CN.
  2. New node V1000 as CN, any other configurations like IPv4 address, psk.
  3. Add a link between V5000 POP and new V1000 CN.
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Thank you very much.

@Kiran_Avva what security method does not require initial provisioning?

It is possible to move from “No Security” to “PSK” network wide without pre-provisioning. However, further addition of a node requires initial provisioning on that node.

802.1X too requires initial provisioning.

Ok. I thought the implication was that there were modes not requiring initial provisioning; but that is only for no security.

Thank you for the clarification.