How to import own digital certificates on to cnMaestro by using web console.

Hi all.

To import your own digital certificates on to cnMaestro via web console (and avoid the error message in spash page for your guest access) you can follow the steps below:

1) you need 3 files of your company digital certificates: "key.pem", "cert.pem" and "CA-trust.cert"

2) open all 3 files with a text editor and copy the content from "BEGIN" to "END" in another file with .pem extension (for example import.pem); follow the sequence: key.pem, cert.pem and last CA-trust.cert. You should obtain a file (import.pem) with 3 different session "BEGIN" - "END" (don't leave blank lines).

3) save the file "import.pem"

4) open cnMaestro web console and navigate to Application > Server > SSL Certificates > Import and select "Import Signed Certificate and New Key", click on "Select file" button, selct "import.pem" file and click "Import" button.

That's all.




Hi all.

See the attached files for more detailed informations.


Enrico Celegon